Create an Account or Contact Us
You have two options… Create an account or simply call or email us and we can help!
Clicking the Join Now button or linking to the Mindbody Tab in the menu bar does not behold you to any purchase or membership! You ere only creating on online account with T2BB.
If you click Join Now - you will see the screen at left. You may already have an MindBody account elsewhere - but in order to be hooked up with T2BB, you need your own account with us.
Once in our system - we will be notified and will contact you!
Or - you can simply email us at and we can go from there!
Want to dive into the Trial Membership
If you are interested in the month Trial and like taking care of biz yourself - after you are logged in, you can visit the Online Store > Memberships to purchase a Trial (in the Mindbody site at left). We’d be contacting you thereafter to get your hour consult rolling!
If you have any questions - please email us at or call 307.413.1621.